当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 雅思  > 写作  > Inmostcitiesandtowns,thehighvolumesofroadtrafficbecomeaproblem.Whatarethecausesofthatandwhatactionscouldbetakentosolvetheproblem?


更新时间:2024-04-28 11:36:28

In some major cities in my country, China, heavy traffic becomes increasingly problematic to commuters. This situation can be due to the fast pace of urban development.

The migration policy in China leads rural peasants to big cities. Also the convenient modern facilities and business opportunities in urban areas attract young generation in smaller towns seeking a reasonable career. While cities are expanding, the travellers have to cover further distance than they used to. Unluckily the public transport system built years ago is not well functioning. It is at this point that car purchase sounds reasonable. On top of this, the political will of enhancing economy should be responsible for various urban issues including traffic congestion. In order to stimulate domestic consumption, the public are encouraged to own their private cars, but in metropolises with dense population, such lifestyle is hard to be sufficiently supported.

To deal with traffic issue, some actions can be taken. Firstly, satellite cities can be a pragmatic approach to decentralize urban resource, thereby reducing urban population density. These satellite cities featuring self-sufficient can largely reduce daily travel if people are encouraged to live near their workplace or their school. Exclusive avenues for cycling can be set so that short-distance travellers would like to choose riding a bike instead of squeezing in a bus.

Public transport should be improved in terms of route, timing, comfortableness and service courtesy so as to encourage commuters to take. The larger capacity of public vehicles compared with private cars can effectively ease the traffic pressure on city roads.

In contrast, private cars should be discouraged from using for short distance travel. The approaches include charging a high parking fee, more expensive petrol or restricting in driving days.









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某I级铁路增建二线站前工程第二标段的线路平面布置如图5-1所示。 主要工程情况如下: 路基土石方共26万m3,无特殊处理路基。 单线桥梁3座,均为旱桥,无高墩,上部结构为简支T梁。钻孔桩直径为1.2m,桩长为22~25m。某根钻孔桩施工过程为:在终孔后进行了清孔;在检验孔底沉渣厚度满足规范要求后,立即进行了钢筋笼吊装,由于设备故障导致钢筋笼吊装共耗时4个小时;钢筋笼吊装后,立即安装导管进行了水下混凝土灌注。在该桩成桩后质量检测时发现该桩底部有0.6m厚沉渣。经查看施工记录,泥浆含砂量不超标,其他指标合格,混凝土灌注过程顺利。 单线隧道1座,长3800米。在进口、出口各安排一个作业面施工,月进尺处在行业平均水平。隧道II级围岩长600m,III级围岩长2000m,IV级围岩长1200m。II级围岩采用全断面法施工,施工工序如图5-2所示。 沿线两个既有车站均需改建,改建内容为:车站A增加三条到发线,车站B拆除一条运煤专用线。两个车站的地形地貌基本一致。 全线轨道结构采用有砟轨道,采用换铺法铺设无缝线路。车站A和车站B均具备设置铺架基地的条件(T梁预制场设在铺架基地内)。计划在其中一个车站处设置铺架基地,配置一套铺架设备,先向一端铺架,然后调头再向另一端铺架。 本工程的营业线为繁忙干线。施工单位在营业线施工中,因机械侵限导致中断铁路行车7个小时,造成直接经济损失580万元,未造成人员伤亡。 业主要求本标段总工期为24个月,自开工后第15个月开始铺架。 1.第二标段的正线长度是多少千米? 2.根据背景资料,指出造成钻孔桩底部0.6m厚沉渣的原因。 3.指出图5-2中临时设施C、工序Ⅱ和工序V的名称。 4.铺架基地应设置在哪个车站处?并说明理由。 5.根据背景资料,应先向哪个方向进行铺架施工?并说明理由。 6.针对背景资料,根据《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》规定,此次铁路交通事故属于什么等级?
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